Paul Coulter
Dec 10, 2024

Andy Witherall
Oct 17, 2024
Course 1: Apologetics
Develop confidence in your faith and learn to share it persuasively with others on a firm biblical basis.
Course 2: Engaging Issues
This course explores six important issues, providing a biblical perspective on each and equipping participants to connect the gospel with people who differ in their beliefs.
Each course consists of six weeks of material, with video materials accompanied by notes and online or in-person meetings to discuss and apply content.
This course will help you understand:
Current law on abortion in NI and how we got here;
God's design for unborn children as seen in Scripture and science;
The implications of abortion for society;
Why the 'hard cases' (rape/incest and fetal abnormalities) do not justify abortion;
How Christians can stand, serve and speak in response to abortion.0
Our standard format is a 40-minute talk followed by Q&A for 20 to 30 minutes.
Straight Paths is a foundational course on ethics produced and delivered by medic, pastor and theologian Dr Paul Coulter.
It proposes a framework for decision-making and tests the theory by exploring challenging subjects.
The course comprises five two-hour sessions, each including thought-exercises, discussion questions and space for questions.
Each session could be taught on a single evening.
Paul Coulter’s grasp of the issues around the value and beginning of life were extremely insightful and he communicated the issues in a manner that was accessible and helpful for the chaplaincy students.
– Rev Dave Gray, Presbyterian Chaplain, Queen's University
I was particularly pleased that when addressing a live, sensitive and possibly volatile subject the speaker kept the good news of Jesus Christ central.
– Davy Ellison, Elder, Antrim Baptist Church